Industries > Petrochemicals
Integrated Water Management Solutions for the Petrochemical & Refinery Industry
Water is a crucial component for all Oil & Gas producing facilities. Sourcing right quality of water, utilizing it for the extraction process for oil and gas and its use in the production of downstream refinery processes and utilities are the key water management processes in the industry.
Realizing the critical need for water and waste water management in the refinery & petrochemical industry, Ion Exchange offers a comprehensive package of total water and environment management solutions to the oil and gas producers, downstream refinery petrochemical manufacturers and also to end customers like plastic component manufacturers, surface coating manufacturers and chemical producers.

We provide Oil Coalescer System which is specifically designed to treat condensate streams in order to remove oil contamination (free and emulsifed) and to make them suitable for recovery and reuse. The de-oiling process consists of separating the oil component using our special Indion OCR (Oil Coalescer Resin).
Under our Process Treatment Chemicals Solution, we offer a range of process chemicals applications and fuel additives to suit the crude basket of every refiner.
Our solutions include processes to recover valuable by-products or to treat/remove complex contaminants in the process stream, thereby defending the industry against declining water supplies, increasing process efficacy, reducing cost and improving profitability while meeting sustainable objectives. All our solutions are backed by world class service infrastructure providing round the clock services to our customers.
Our Complete Solutions
- Raw Water Treatment
- Process Treatment
- Waste Treatment and Recycle
- Zero Liquid Discharge
- Condensate and cooling water treatment
- Specialty Process Chemical Treatment
- Comprehensive O&M of complete water systems
- Upgrading/retrofitting plants on BOT basis
- Supply of consumables like ion exchange resins, membranes, adsorbents, water treatment chemicals and antiscalants; supply of critical spares
- Total water management consultancy
- 24/7 service support